Why use IAG for my event?
What are the benefits for my entity?

  • Saves on time and resources.  Once the information is typed in the IAG platform it is available to be used right away and available 24/7/365; right at the user’s fingertips. IAG saves on time and needed special skills to format the look of a program and the knowledge needed to set up a professional looking platform. IAG is pre-programed so all the Gibbon event administrator has to do is input the events specific information. Once the information is entered it can be updated and changed without having to reprint, people will just need to refresh their browsers. No special skills required.  User friendly on both ends.

  • Environmentally responsible: Saves paper, ink, time, effort, and gas to get it printed and therefore saves money in supplies and labor.

  • User Friendly: IAG is a user-friendly platform for both the person entering the information as well as the one using the information. No special skills required.

  • AIG is web based: Once the information is loaded on the user’s device it will appear on the phone/laptop/or iPad no matter if internet is available or not.  Works on all devices PC/Mac, I-phone or Android. Any updates that are made will require the user to refresh their device browser in order to see the updates.

  • Encourages Community: Connects the users with the event, the people, and the community that they are in, and connects the community with the event and people.

  • Promotes the users: IAG has the ability for the administrator to simply and effectively link players to huddle, link to the events Live stream, radio stations, websites, and/or maps to the event or place of business; it links everyone together.  IAG is a one stop shop that can help everyone in that Gibbon community succeed, be known, and feel a part of whatever community they are in.

  • Links Gibbons together: Example schools that BOTH subscribe to IAG and play against each other will link together as Home and Visitor teams on the home teams Gibbon. There is no need to type in the visitor team information, as the visitor Gibbon information automatically links with the home teams.

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